5 Reasons Why You Need A Virtual Phone Number

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Virtual phone numbers are far more convenient, cost effective and manageable than traditional landlines. Still need to be convinced? Have a read of the top five reasons why you need a virtual phone number, for your small business or yourself, today! 


What is A Virtual Phone Number?

A virtual phone number is essentially a VoIP phone system; this means Voice over Internet Protocol. So, instead of wires and plugs, calls are connected through the internet. Traditional phones are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Rather than sending information through physical wires, like traditional phones do, virtual phones receive and send data through the internet, making them completely wireless, no need for any extra equipment or technology. 


How Does A Virtual Phone Number Work?

Calls going through the internet simply means that your voice, or data, is transferred into online data before being received by the person on the other end. Relying on the internet for calls, and other forms of communication, did not make sense previously, as many people did not have internet access, but nowadays, pretty much every home, office or restaurant and bar has internet access, making it a super reliable way to communicate. 

With a virtual phone number, you can purchase a package or an Esim and you essentially just use your phone as normal, but with your number existing in the data sphere, rather than fixed to cables. 

By the end of 2025, traditional landline phones will be ruled out by service providers, who will aim to offer full broadband services to their customers, so people can switch to virtual phone lines without a hitch. 


Why Do I Need A Virtual Phone Number?

Virtual numbers, to put it simply, make your life easier. They are easy to set up, use and maintain. As well as this, you can use a virtual number from anywhere in the world, where there is internet access, not just where the phone is connected. 

Virtual phone numbers are ideal for people who own their own businesses, as you can add many lines on a single account, or travellers wanting to stay connected no matter where they are, such as digital nomads, explorers or expats.

Take a look at the top five reasons why you need a virtual number:


VoIP systems don’t require any wiring or digital setup, making it extremely easy to install and maintain. For example, with Devyce, all you need to do is download the app to have your digital number on your phone! Even if you are using a virtual number system with multiple lines, for example in an office, the set up remains the same and any changes made, such as allocation and deallocation of numbers, can all be done online. 


2️⃣ Portability

Portability is a massive bonus for users with a virtual number. This means that you can move your number to different providers, transferring your number has never been easier, and with Devyce, porting your number takes less than 25 hours. 



Maintaining technology can take up a lot of time and money, most phone issues, personal or office, require professional help. With VoIP phone systems, however, no maintenance is required, software upgrades automatically and any issues can be fixed online, as there is no physical wiring. 



The financial benefit of using a virtual number is immense. 

For businesses, using a VoIP system can save thousands in set up, maintenance and equipment costs. Traditional office phones require much more maintenance and that upkeep can cost a bomb. With a virtual office phone system, you don’t need to pay anything other than the monthly fee, which, at Devyce, is only £15.99.

For those on the move, virtual phone numbers can also save huge amounts on roaming fees. Most big mobile providers have reintroduced roaming fees in 2022, meaning using your phone outside of the UK is no longer free, you have to pay extra for calls, texts and data. If you are a frequent traveller, for work or your own pleasure, this can be a big spanner in the works, as it could cost you an extra £52 a month. With Devyce, you still only have to pay your monthly fee to use your phone number, regardless of where you are in the world. 



Not only can you call from anywhere with a virtual number, but you can also adjust the settings, or phone lines, on the go. You can edit your voicemail, activate call forwarding and more, which is particularly useful for remote workers, as this would be something traditionally only done when in the office with your physical office phone. 

Moreover, you can connect your virtual number to your computer, using your laptop or computer to call and text. 

There are many more features that make using a virtual number more convenient than using a digital one. You can record calls, use a virtual assistant and track calls.


The only potential issue with using a virtual number, which is that it is reliant on internet connection. This means if you have a blackout, or can’t get WIFI, you are at risk of being disconnected. 

However, internet connection is so common these days, free in cafes, bars and restaurants, as well as accessible in homes and offices, it is rare you would find yourself without a connection, but it is something to consider.

How To Get Started

Getting a virtual number, for your business or yourself, perhaps as a second number, is so simple. All you need to do is purchase a monthly subscription and then download the app; your virtual number is set up in minutes, ready for you to take advantage of all the benefits it has to offer. 

Browse Devyce’s pricing plans here: https://devyce.com/pricing/

Read more about porting your number to Devyce here: https://devyce.com/porting/ 







