What is a Hosted Business Phone System and How Does it Work?

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Key Takeaways

  1. Hosted business phone systems use cloud technology for seamless communication without on-premises hardware.
  2. Key benefits include cost-effectiveness, scalability, flexibility, advanced features, and provider-managed maintenance.
  3. These systems require reliable internet and offer features like VoIP, unified communications, mobility, security, and disaster recovery.
  4. Choosing the right provider involves assessing reliability, customer support, feature set, pricing, and scalability.

What is a Hosted Business Phone System?

A hosted business phone system, also known as hosted telephony, leverages cloud technology to provide seamless and flexible communication solutions for businesses. This system eliminates the need for on-premises hardware and connects via the internet, offering various advantages over traditional phone systems.


  1. Cost-effective: No upfront costs for equipment, reducing initial investment.
  2. Scalability: Easily add or remove lines as your business needs change.
  3. Flexibility: Access your phone system from any location with internet connectivity.
  4. Advanced features: Includes voicemail, call forwarding, conferencing, and more.
  5. Maintenance: The service provider handles all maintenance and updates, ensuring your system is always up-to-date.

How Does a Hosted Business Phone System Work?

  1. Cloud-based PBX: The phone system is hosted on remote servers (Hosted PBX) and connects to your business via the internet.
  2. IP phones: Use internet protocol (IP) phones or softphones (software-based phones) on your computer or mobile device.
  3. Internet connection: Requires a reliable and high-quality internet connection for optimal performance.
  4. Configuration and management: Managed through a user-friendly online portal, allowing easy configuration of settings and features.

Key Features of a Hosted Business Phone System

  1. VoIP technology: Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allows for high-quality voice communication over the internet.
  2. Unified communications: Integrates with other business tools like email, CRM, and collaboration software.
  3. Mobility: Supports mobile apps, enabling employees to stay connected on the go.
  4. Security: Ensures secure communication through encryption and other security measures.
  5. Disaster recovery: Provides business continuity in case of emergencies by rerouting calls to alternative devices.

Choosing the Right Business Phone System Provider

  1. Reliability: Ensure the provider has a robust infrastructure with minimal downtime.
  2. Customer support: Look for 24/7 customer support to address any issues promptly.
  3. Feature set: Compare features offered by different providers to match your business needs.
  4. Pricing: Consider the pricing model, including any hidden costs for additional features or services.
  5. Scalability: Choose a provider that can scale with your business growth.


A hosted business phone system is a modern, flexible, and cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. By leveraging cloud technology, it offers advanced features, scalability, and ease of management, making it an ideal choice for improving business communications.

4 Features of Devyce That Will Set Your Small Business Apart

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Graphic of a phone with the Devyce logo and a title of '4 features of Devyce that sets your business apart'

Key Takeaways


  1. The business communications platform you use as a small business is an important factor in standing out among other small businesses
  2. Opt for a solution that provides advanced calling features and helps you to streamline your team’s work flow
  3. Devyce helps you to enhance customer service efficiency, improve call handling, and experience with features like AI call summarisation, call grouping/forwarding, CRM integrations and do not disturb functionality


Navigating customer service can become a significant source of frustration in life. How often have you dialed a company’s number, only to be trapped in an endless loop, reiterating your concerns to different representatives? We’ve all encountered this situation, and it’s an experience we wish to steer clear of. Set your business apart by upgrading your communications platform to Devyce. 


Devyce’s virtual phone number is designed to help your customer-facing teams work more efficiently and build better relationships with customers. Learn more about how to leverage features like AI call summarisation, call groups & forwarding, CRM integrations, and ‘do not disturb’ to stand out in the competitive small business world.


AI Call Summarisation


Have you ever come off a phone call with a customer or potential client and rushed to write down every important thing you could remember? Manual note-taking is time-consuming and increases your chances of missing important details. Save yourself the trouble by using Devyce’s AI call summarisation feature. 


How does it work? Your calls are automatically transcribed as it’s happening. The transcription then gets passed through an AI language model (think GPT). The language model uses the transcription to create a summary of the call which then gets sent to you in a handy text message. This process can take under 15 seconds! You’ll be able to access these summaries from both the Devyce app and your Team’s Management Portal. 


Call Grouping & Forwarding


When a customer’s call is repeatedly missed, it can lead to lost business or negative reviews. Both of which will impact your company’s image, leading to prospective customers turning away from your company. Avoid this by creating call groups and setting up call forwarding. Devyce’s call grouping feature allows incoming calls to be directed to any employee within the group that is free to answer the call. Meaning incoming calls will always be answered by the next available team member. Call forwarding also helps your team avoid missed calls by forwarding calls that cannot be answered by one employee to another. We’ve found from our customers that call forwarding works best for smaller teams whereas larger teams opt for call grouping. Either feature helps to create a positive experience for your customers.


CRM Integrations


Bringing your phone system and CRM software together streamlines your team’s workflow and increases the efficiency of collaboration among team members. It enables your team to effectively handle inquiries without delay as team members can quickly pull up a breakdown of a customer’s previous interactions with your support team eg. emails, call logs, etc. while on a call. 


Additionally, integrating your phone system and CRM software provides valuable insights into customer behavior and preferences. Allowing your team to personalise interactions and deliver a more tailored customer experience. By having a comprehensive view of each customer’s history, your support team can proactively address issues, anticipate needs, and ultimately build stronger, long-lasting relationships with your clients.


Set Your Business Hours


Devyce works on your phone by facilitating calls and texts through our app. It uses a WiFi or data connection to do so. Meaning you don’t need another phone or SIM card. However, we know that can raise concerns that you and your team may not be able to get a healthy work-life divide if you’re still receiving work notifications after hours. This is especially true for small business owners and employees! That’s why we added our ‘do not disturb’ feature. 


Set the hours you’d like to receive work notifications and we make sure you aren’t disturbed out of those hours. You’ll also be able to set up your business voicemail to ensure anyone reaching out to your team after hours know when and how to reach out to your team. 


Empower Your Team With Devyce Today


Give your team the right tools they need to excel in delivering high-quality customer service and build lasting relationships with your clients. With Devyce Teams, your team can work more efficiently, collaborate seamlessly, and provide a superior customer experience that sets your business apart in the competitive small business world. Switch to Devyce Teams today


What is a VOIP Number and How Does It Work?

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Key Takeaways


  1. VoIP numbers offer numerous benefits for businesses, including cost-effectiveness, scalability, mobility, and access to advanced calling features. 
  2. VoIP numbers are highly flexible and portable, as they are not tied to physical locations or hardware. 
  3. The process of obtaining a VoIP number is straightforward. The setup can be done in just a few minutes, allowing businesses and individuals to quickly enhance their communication capabilities.


What Is a VoIP Number?


VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. A VoIP number is a virtual phone number that allows users to make and receive phone calls over an internet connection (WiFi or data). Phone numbers from mobile network operators are associated with a physical telephone line or a SIM card. On the other hand, VoIP numbers are not tied to anything, making them highly portable and flexible. 


VoIP numbers often offer a range of features, such as call routing, voicemail, call recording, and more, making them a popular choice for cost-effective and versatile business communication solutions. 


Benefits of Using VoIP Numbers


There are many benefits to using VoIP numbers. Especially for businesses needing a company phone number. Here are the top benefits of using a VoIP number for business: 


  1. Cost-effectiveness: Subscribing to a VoIP phone service is significantly cheaper than with traditional carriers. VoIP services often offer lower calling rates, especially for international calls. This leads to significant cost savings for businesses, especially those with high call volumes.
  2. Scalability: Tech scalability is important for growing businesses. VoIP systems are highly scalable as businesses can easily add or remove lines as needed. This is difficult to do with traditional solutions such as landline desk phones, where lots of hardware is needed. The flexibility that VoIP provides is particularly beneficial for growing businesses or those with fluctuating call volumes. 
  3. Mobility and flexibility: VoIP numbers are not tied to physical locations. Instead, they’re stored in a cloud network. Enabling employees to make and receive calls from anywhere as long as they have a stable internet connection. This mobility allows for remote work and the ability to stay connected while on the go. 
  4. Advanced features: VoIP systems offer a wide range of advanced features that can enhance business communications. These include call forwarding, auto-attendant, call recording, and software integrations e.g. CRM systems. Taking advantage of advanced calling features helps businesses to create a better communications experience for both customers and employees. 
  5. Analytics and reporting: Some VoIP providers may offer detailed call analytics and reporting. This provides businesses with valuable insights into call volumes, call durations, and other metrics. Having access to this data is key as it allows you to determine your strong and weak points, empowering a data-driven approach to business growth. 
  6. International presence: It is easier to obtain international numbers with a VoIP service than through traditional routes. International numbers allow businesses to establish a local presence in global markets without needing a physical office. This is advantageous for expanding into new markets and customer service. 
  7. Integration capabilities: VoIP phone systems can integrate with other business applications and tools such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems. This creates streamlined workflows which increase efficiency and productivity. It’s particularly helpful for customer service teams or sales-based teams. 
  8. Better Security: Traditional phone lines can be disrupted by environmental changes. VoIP numbers, on the other hand, are not tied to physical infrastructure and can be quickly rerouted to alternative locations or devices, ensuring uninterrupted communication during emergencies. This is important for keeping company data secure and ensuring company information doesn’t get lost.


How to Obtain a VoIP Number


The process to get a VoIP number is more straightforward than you may think! Follow these easy steps to get a VoIP number: 


  1. Do the research: It’s important to research the options available before you sign up. You’ll need to take into account your needs, budget & pricing, features available, and the type of number you need e.g. mobile, landline, or international. This allows you to choose a provider that best provides all that you’ll need, saving you time and money later down the road.
  2. Get in touch with your chosen provider: Once you’ve chosen a provider, you may wish to get in touch with them if you have any questions or additional requirements for your VoIP number e.g. specific features. It can be helpful to speak with a member of the team to help determine if they’re the right fit for your specific needs.
  3. Sign up for an account: Be sure to get a grasp of the types of pricing plans offered. Many VoIP providers offer contracts for a minimum of 1 year. It’s important to factor this in with your available budget. Alternatively, you may wish to find a provider with a subscription model of pricing whereby you pay monthly and aren’t locked into a contract. 
  4. Choose your number: Some providers may give you the option to choose the VoIP number you’d like to use. However, most providers will assign you a phone number. If you’d like to keep an existing phone number, you could also port your phone number over to the provider. You’ll need to get in touch with the provider to do this.
  5. Set up your VoIP Phone: VoIP numbers can be set up with VoIP desk phones or your mobile phone. If you opted for a VoIP desk phone, you’ll need to get these delivered and your provider should provide instructions on how to set these up as well as any equipment you may need. If you opted to use VoIP on your mobile phone, you’ll be prompted to download the provider’s app following sign-up. You’ll be provided account details which allow you to log in to the VoIP platform. With both VoIP phones and VoIP on mobile, you’ll need to configure your settings such as call forwarding and voicemail and then you should be good to go!


Frequently Asked Questions about VoIP Numbers


Can I keep my existing phone number when switching to a VoIP number?

  • Yes! Usually, you can bring your existing number over to a VoIP provider by porting your number. Get in touch with your VoIP provider to let them know you’d like to keep your existing number and they will guide you through the process.

What equipment do I need to use a VoIP number?

  • Barely anything if you want to use VoIP on a mobile! VoIP numbers can be accessed through an app that is downloadable on your existing phone. No need for a second handset or clunky desk phones and landlines! However, if you wish to use a VoIP desk phone, you’ll need to speak with your VoIP provider to get the VoIP phones delivered and 

Can I use a VoIP number on my mobile phone?

  • Yes, if the VoIP provider’s services are accessed through their app, you’ll be able to use VoIP on your mobile phone.

Can I make emergency calls (999) with a VoIP number?

  • It’s not recommended that you make calls to emergency services using a VoIP number. You may not be able to get through to emergency services if their lines don’t recognise VoIP numbers. Furthermore, as VoIP numbers aren’t tied to a specific location, emergency services cannot use geolocation to find a caller in the event they are unable to speak (silent call). 

Is call quality with VoIP numbers as good as traditional phone lines?

  • Call quality with VoIP numbers is even better than that of traditional phone lines. This is because internet speed advancements result in much clearer call quality. 

Can I make international calls with a VoIP number?

  • You should be able to make international calls with a VoIP number however be sure to check with your VoIP provider as there may be international calling fees. 

Are there any limitations or restrictions when using a VoIP number?

  • There are general limitations to using VoIP eg. not able to call emergency services. However, your service may have specific restrictions depending on the VoIP provider. It’s best to check with your provider about this. 

Can I send and receive text messages (SMS) with a VoIP number?

  • Yes, you should be able to send and receive text messages with a VoIP number if you use VoIP on your mobile phone. 

What happens if my internet connection goes down? Will I still receive calls?

  • If your WiFi goes down then you could still access your VoIP number with a data connection. However, if both are unavailable then you won’t receive calls or texts until an internet connection is re-established. 

Are VoIP numbers secure and private?

  • When configured correctly, VoIP numbers are generally more secure than traditional phone numbers. However, you’ll need to consider cybersecurity measures to implement to protect your company data when using VoIP as your business communications solution. 

Can I have multiple VoIP numbers for different purposes or locations?

  • Yes, you can have and use multiple VoIP numbers for different purposes. You’ll usually need to purchase a separate plan for each phone number. You can also get numbers from different locations if your VoIP provider offers this. 




VoIP numbers are a convenient way to obtain a second phone number eg. for business. VoIP operates on an internet connection as opposed to traditional telephone lines giving it various benefits. It’s cheaper to obtain and maintain as well as giving users clear call quality and access to advanced calling features like call forwarding. Getting a VoIP number is an easy process and you can get set up in just a few minutes. Embracing the simplicity and flexibility of VoIP numbers can greatly enhance communication capabilities, making it an attractive choice for businesses and individuals alike.




Using VoIP on Your Mobile Phone: Benefits and Set-Up

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Title of 'Benefits of Using VoIP on Mobile Phones' with a repeating graphic of smartphones in the background


Key Takeaways


  1. VoIP numbers offer an effective and convenient business communications solution
  2. VoIP on mobile phones comes with many advantages including: cost savings, advanced features and enhanced call quality
  3. Setting up VoIP for mobile phones is a straightforward process and you can get set up in minutes


You may already be familiar with VoIP desk phones for business. This is a popular option for businesses who were previously using landline desk phones and are having to switch due to the landline switch off. 


Did you know that VoIP can also work on mobile phones? Discover the advantages of using VoIP on mobile and how to set up a VoIP with this article.


What is VOIP?


VoIP on mobile phones transmits voice calls and text messages over an internet connection. Instead of relying solely on traditional phone networks such as O2 and Vodafone [1]. VoIP converts the voice signals into digital packets and sends them over an IP network, such as the internet.

Mobile devices with VoIP capabilities use a dedicated app (like setting up a virtual phone number with Devyce) or a built-in feature to establish a connection with the VoIP service provider. When making a call, the voice data is compressed and divided into small packets, which are then transmitted over the internet to the recipient’s device. At the receiving end, the packets are reassembled, decompressed, and converted back into voice signals. This allows for seamless communication. All you need is a stable internet connection eg. WiFi or data.


What are the Advantages of Using VoIP on Mobile Phones?


There are many benefits of using VoIP on your mobile instead of a desk phone, including:


  • Cost savings: VoIP calls and texts on mobile phones can be significantly cheaper than traditional phone calls, especially for international calls. Many VoIP providers offer competitive rates and even free calling options.
  • Flexibility and mobility: VoIP on mobile phones allows you to make and receive calls from anywhere with an internet connection. You’re not tied to a physical landline, enabling you to stay connected while on the go. Furthermore, as you usually only need to download an app, you won’t even need to purchase an additional phone to use it. Making VoIP on mobile phones a highly convenient option.
  • Unified communications: VoIP can work across various devices such as laptops, tablets, computers and mobile phones. This allows you to integrate business communications across various devices, ensuring that you have a consistent experience and can access your calls and messages from any device.
  • Advanced features: VoIP offers a wide range of advanced calling features, including call forwarding, call recording, voicemail to email transcription, auto-attendant, and more. These features enhance call management and efficiency. In turn this enhances your company’s professional image as it creates a streamlined experience for customers.
  • Scalability: VoIP systems can easily scale as your business grows. Adding new users or phone lines is often a straightforward process, and you can expand your communication infrastructure without the need for complex hardware installations.
  • International accessibility: With VoIP on mobile phones, you can have virtual phone numbers from different countries, making it easier for international clients to reach you. This can help expand your global presence and eliminate the need for physical offices in multiple locations.
  • Enhanced call quality: With advancements in internet speeds and mobile networks, VoIP calls on mobile phones often offer high-quality voice transmissions, resulting in clear and reliable communication.


These advantages make VoIP on mobile phones an appealing choice for businesses and individuals looking for cost-effective, flexible, and feature-rich communication options.


Setting Up VoIP on Your Mobile Phone


Setting up a VoIP business phone system on your mobile phone is a straightforward process. First you will need to find a VoIP service provider that suits your needs. Consider how you will use the business number and determine if you will need any advanced features such as call forwarding. Although many providers offer you a basic package e.g. calling and texting only, and then offer you advanced features at additional cost, we’d advise you to work out what features would benefit your business communications early on. This allows you to choose a provider who may offer these features within a package already and will save you time and money down the line. 


Once you have found a provider and signed up, you will usually need to download an app from your phone’s app store. This is where you will make your calls and texts and access any voicemails. When you signed up with the VoIP service provider, they will have given you login details/instructions on how to set up the app. Once you’ve set up your account on the app, ensure your phone is connected to the internet and you’re good to go! 




Using VoIP on mobile phones is an effective and convenient business communications solution. With its multitude of features and intuitive set up process, VoIP makes for a better communications tool than traditional desk phones. The ability to make and receive calls from anywhere, coupled with the integration of advanced collaboration tools, empowers businesses to stay connected and productive on the go. Embracing this modern solution allows businesses to adapt to the evolving demands of the digital age and stay ahead in today’s competitive landscape. 


Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional desk phones and unlock the full potential of VoIP on mobile phones for seamless, reliable, and future-proof business communication with Devyce! Try for free today!

Phone Systems for Small Business Explained

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Purple background with title: Devyce guide: exploring small business telephone systems. A graphic of a book with the letter 'i' on it.


Key Takeaways


  1. Setting up a business phone system early on is crucial for long term business growth and success
  2. A reliable telephone system enables effective communication within the organisation and with customers
  3. The three main types of small business phone systems are traditional PBX systems, virtual PBX systems, and virtual mobile phone systems
  4. Important factors to consider when choosing a business phone system include: business needs, scalability, budget, and system features 


What are you currently using for your communications as a small business? Most small business owners and employees are likely to be using either their own phones or a second phone. While these options may be helpful in the early stages of growing your business, establishing a business communications system early on will set up your business for long term success


Why Small Businesses Need Phone Systems


Small businesses often don’t consider their business communications needs until they have expanded substantially. However, small businesses need telephone systems from the get go for several reasons. A reliable telephone system enables effective communication both within the organisation and with external stakeholders. Employees can easily connect with one another, boosting productivity and improving collaboration. Additionally, small businesses often rely on direct interaction with customers. Having a dedicated telephone system ensures that potential customers can reach the business easily. This improves customer service and increases the retention rate of customers. 


Telephone systems offer advanced features like voicemail, call forwarding, and automated attendants. These streamline business operations and provide professional and efficient customer experiences. Furthermore, telephone systems enable small businesses to project a more established and credible image, as you can have a dedicated business phone number and set up professional greetings. 


A robust telephone system is an essential tool for small businesses to facilitate effective communication, enhance customer service, and contribute to the growth and success of the organisation.


Types of Small Business Telephone Systems


There are three main types of business telephone systems suitable for small businesses: 


  1. Traditional PBX (Public Branch Exchange) – These are traditional phone systems often known as ‘office phones’. They rely on landline technology and require hardware to be installed on-site. However, do bear in mind there is a landline shut-off taking place which will see landline technology becoming obsolete by 2025. 
  2. Virtual PBX – These are similar to traditional PBX systems however, they utilise VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. Calls are transmitted over an internet connection and the system is hosted in a cloud network, meaning there’s no need for the installation of landlines
  3. Virtual Phone Systems – These leverage mobile phones and phone service providers for business purposes. It’s a flexible solution as employees are able to use a mobile device and work from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection. 


Factors to Consider When Choosing a Phone System for Your Small Business


Before choosing to set up a specific telephone system for your small business, here are the important factors to consider: 


  1. Business Needs: Assess your specific communication requirements. Consider the number of employees, the volume of calls, the need for advanced features like voicemail or conferencing, and any specific integration needs with other business tools.
  2. Scalability: Evaluate the scalability of the system. Determine if it can accommodate future growth, additional phone lines, and extensions without significant hardware or infrastructure changes.
  3. Budget: Set a budget and consider the total cost of ownership, including installation, equipment, ongoing maintenance, and monthly service fees. Compare different pricing models such as upfront costs or subscription-based pricing.
  4. System Features: Identify the essential features your business requires, such as call forwarding, voicemail, auto-attendant, call recording, mobile integration, and integration with other business tools like CRM or email systems. Ensure that the phone system offers the necessary features to meet your specific needs.
  5. Deployment Options: Consider the deployment options available, such as on-site, cloud-based, or hybrid systems. Which one works for you depends on whether you have an office/physical store location or whether your employees are working remotely/hybrid. Evaluate the pros and cons of each option in terms of flexibility, maintenance requirements, and accessibility.
  6. Reliability and Call Quality: Look for a phone system that provides reliable service and excellent call quality. Downtime or poor call quality can negatively impact your business’s operations and customer experience. Do this by thoroughly researching different providers and their customer reviews. 
  7. Support and Maintenance: Assess the level of support and maintenance provided by the phone system provider. Consider factors such as customer support availability, response times, and the provider’s reputation for reliability and customer service.
  8. Integration Capabilities: Determine if the phone system can integrate with other communication tools and business systems you use, such as CRM software, email platforms, or collaboration tools. Integration can enhance productivity and streamline workflows.
  9. Security and Compliance: Consider the security measures implemented by the phone system provider to protect your business’s communication data. Ensure that the system complies with relevant data privacy and security regulations.
  10. User-Friendliness: Evaluate the ease of use and user interface of the phone system. A user-friendly system can minimise training time and maximise productivity.


Popular Small Business Phone Systems in the UK


Traditional PBX system


For traditional PBX systems, the best options are to contact one of the big phone service providers in the UK eg. BT, Vodafone, and Sky. Due to the landline switch-off, some providers may not be issuing new traditional PBX system contracts. Therefore, it’s important to check with each provider whether they’re still issuing landline phone systems. Also, keep in mind that should you choose to set up a traditional PBX system for your business, you’ll need to switch over to a VoIP phone system by 2025 or port the number to a virtual business phone system. 


VoIP phone system


The big phone service providers in the UK may also offer VoIP systems to businesses. This is due to the impending landline switch off. Large phone service providers are therefore switching existing customers or offering new business customers alternatives to traditional PBX systems. 


Alternatively you could check out VoIP providers like bOnline or 8×8. They offer VoIP with desk phone capability as well as a host of advanced call features. However do be sure to thoroughly consider the pricing and what features you have access to with each plan. Many VoIP providers also only offer a certain number of outbound minutes per month and require you to upgrade your package or pay extra fees for more minutes. Therefore it’s important to consider your usage requirements and thoroughly research the pricing of VoIP providers. 


Virtual Phone Systems


A popular virtual phone system used by SMEs in the UK is Devyce. Designed with flexibility and scalability in mind, the phone system is perfect for growing businesses and those with hybrid/remote working models. Devyce works by using a data/wifi connection to facilitate business calls and texts through an app. This removes the need for any hardware ie. second phones. Therefore employees can work from anywhere and on the go. 


Devyce offers flexible subscription plans meaning you’re not locked into lengthy annual contracts. You are welcome to leave the service at any time. Devyce Teams is a great business phone solution for businesses as you have access to a Teams Management portal where you can manage all your team’s business communications by setting up features such as call grouping. It also allows you to monitor your team’s workflow and access their voicemail inboxes. This ensures you’ll never miss a customer call and greatly improve customer satisfaction. 




Whether it be a traditional landline system, a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution, or a virtual phone service, each option brings its own set of advantages and limitations. By considering factors such as budget, scalability, features, and customer support, you can make an informed decision that empowers your business with reliable and efficient communication capabilities. Embracing the right telephone system will not only enhance your internal and external communication but also contribute to the overall growth and success of your small business. 


Interested in our virtual phone system? Get a 3-day free trial today!





Company Phone Number: Establishing a Professional Image

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Establishing a professional image with a company phone number. A graphic of a woman on the phone and a phone image behind her with enlarged speech bubbles/


Key Takeaways


  1. A dedicated company phone number is crucial to establishing credibility, conveying professionalism, separating personal and professional calls, and allowing for branding opportunities. 
  2. There are various types of company phone numbers available, including landline numbers and mobile numbers. Each type serves specific purposes and offers unique advantages for businesses. 
  3. Getting a company phone number can be done through phone service providers like BT or O2 for landline and mobile phone numbers… 
  4. The most convenient way to obtain a company phone number is by signing up with a virtual business phone number provider.


It’s a common misconception that small businesses cannot establish a professional image to the level that a large corporation can. While bigger companies may have the resources more readily available to them, smaller companies are still able to enhance their professional image with a few tweaks. One of which is to invest in a company phone number.


Importance of a Company Phone Number


Having a dedicated company phone number plays a crucial role in enhancing the professional image of a business. It serves as a distinct point of contact for clients, customers, and other stakeholders, establishing a sense of credibility and reliability. A company phone number conveys professionalism and demonstrates that the business is committed to effective communication. 


It also helps in separating personal and professional calls, ensuring that important business inquiries are promptly attended to. A dedicated phone number also allows for branding opportunities, as it can be customised with a memorable and relevant combination of digits. By investing in a company phone number, businesses can significantly elevate their professional image, build trust with their target audience, and ultimately foster stronger relationships with customers and clients.


Types of Company Phone Numbers


There are various types of company phone numbers you can get: 


  1. A landline number – these are numbers tied to a specific location. These numbers usually start with an area code associated with the location eg. landline numbers from London start with 020. Landline numbers help businesses to establish a local presence and can be advantageous for targeting customers in a particular region.
  2. Toll-free numbers – also known as freephone numbers. These numbers allow callers to reach a business without incurring any calling fees eg. international charges. These numbers typically begin with 0800 or 0808 in the UK. Toll-free numbers encourage inquiries from customers due to the convenient nature of contacting these numbers.
  3. A mobile number – mobile numbers are usually associated with individual and personal use however many small businesses are opting for mobile numbers in the earlier stages. They’re great for business owners and freelancers as it allows customers to directly contact a person from the business.
  4. A ‘golden number’ – sometimes referred to as a ‘vanity number’ are phone numbers with a specific order of digits. This can be landline or mobile numbers. They are memorable, brand-building tools that make it easier for customers to remember and contact a business. 
  5. International phone number – An international phone number allows businesses to establish a local presence in foreign markets. It enables customers from other countries to contact the business without incurring high international calling charges.
  6. Virtual phone number – A virtual phone number operates over the internet rather than traditional phone lines. It allows businesses to have a phone number without being tied to a physical location. This allows teams to work remotely. Virtual numbers can be both a landline number or a mobile number. 


How to Obtain a Company Phone Number


There are various ways you can get a company phone number and the process is not as complicated as it may seem! There are both paid-for options and free options. However, we recommend finding a paid option that fits within your budget for business use as they are more reliable for long-term use. 


To get a landline, mobile number, or toll-free number, you’ll need to contact a phone service provider like BT or O2. They will be able to set you up with an account and provide you with a number. However, please note that BT Openreach (the company responsible for landline technology across the country) is shutting down landline services by 2025. Therefore many providers are no longer providing new landline phone numbers. You will also need to discuss with the provider if you are looking for a golden number and please note that golden numbers are often offered for an additional fee.


However, getting an international phone number may be more difficult. This involves researching and finding service providers in your chosen country, then contacting them to sign up. You may need to provide certain documents depending on the provider’s requirements. Bear in mind that the process will take longer to complete than obtaining a business phone number in the UK. It’s also worth noting that if you use an international phone number in the UK, you may incur roaming charges. 


The most convenient way to get a company phone number is from a virtual phone number provider. They’re able to provide you with the different types of company phone numbers depending on what you need. The process is also much quicker as, to set up your number you will usually only require a smartphone and internet connection to download the virtual phone number provider’s app. Signing up for a virtual phone number can be done by yourself on the provider’s website or if you require more specific features or a tailored package, you can get in touch with their sales teams. 


Enhancing your professional image with a Devyce business number


Devyce is the complete business communications system designed for SMEs. Get more than a business phone number. The Teams Management Portal is where you take control of your company-wide communications by viewing key metrics, setting up call forwarding, and managing the call activity of your employees. You can easily add or remove phone numbers from your company network, giving you full control and visibility over your business communications. 


Create a seamless customer-first experience by allowing your employees to stay connected, wherever they are. All you’ll need is a stable WiFi/data connection. Elevate your business communications with Devyce Teams today!



Disadvantages of Dual Sim Mobile Phones

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Key Takeaways


  1. A Dual SIM phone is one that can hold and operate two SIM cards simultaneously
  2. Advantages of using a dual SIM phone include: convenience, better network coverage, and travel flexibility 
  3. However there are more drawbacks than advantages such as software limitations, limited simultaneous network access, and confusion in communications
  4.  A better solution for you to get a second phone number is a virtual phone number


What are Dual SIM Mobile Phones


A dual SIM mobile phone is a type of device that has the capability to hold and operate two SIM cards simultaneously. SIM cards, which stand for Subscriber Identity Module, are small chips that store the unique identification and service information of a mobile network subscriber. With a dual SIM phone, users can insert two different SIM cards from either the same or different network providers into a single device. 


Advantages of Dual SIM Phones


Using a dual SIM phone has various advantages:


  1. Convenience – Dual SIM phones eliminate the need to carry multiple phones for different purposes
  2. Cost savings – With a dual SIM phone, you can take advantage of different service plans or promotional offers from multiple network providers, potentially saving money on calls, texts, and data
  3. Network coverage – using SIM cards from different network providers ensures better network coverage in areas where one network may have weak or no signal
  4. Separation of personal and business use – You can keep your personal and professional communications separate by using different SIM cards for each purpose, helping you maintain work-life balance


Disadvantages of Dual SIM Mobile Phones


While dual SIM phones offer numerous advantages, they also have drawbacks to consider depending on how you need to use your second phone number e.g. for business:


  1. Limited choice of provider – Some dual SIM phones are locked onto the mobile service provider you purchased the phone from. This limits your ability to use different service providers for your second SIM card. It also can lead to increased costs as opposed to savings. This is because you may need to purchase an additional plan from the same provider meaning you can’t take advantage of other offers available. 
  2. Reduced storage capacity – In some dual SIM phones, the second SIM card slot may be shared with the microSD card slot. This means that if you use two SIM cards simultaneously, you may have to sacrifice expandable storage, which can be a limitation if you frequently store large amounts of media files or apps on your device.
  3. Battery life – Using two SIM cards simultaneously can consume more battery power than using a single SIM. The additional network connections and constant signal searching may lead to increased power consumption, requiring more frequent charging.
  4. Software limitations – Certain dual SIM phones have limitations in terms of software functionality. For instance, some models may restrict certain features, such as data roaming or call forwarding, to a specific SIM card. This also limits your ability to use a second SIM for business purposes as to conduct business communications effectively, you’ll need to be able to utilise such features. 
  5. Call and messaging confusion – Managing calls and messages on a dual SIM phone can sometimes be confusing. It may not be immediately clear which SIM card is being used for outgoing calls or texts, leading to potential mix-ups or accidental use of the wrong SIM.
  6. Limited simultaneous network access – While you can have two active SIM cards in a dual SIM phone, it’s important to note that typically only one SIM card can access 4G or 5G data networks at a time. Data speeds will be affected when the other SIM is limited to 2G or 3G networks. Furthermore, when using one SIM card, the other is often turned off or you’ll have very limited network access. This can result in delays receiving important calls or texts, which can negatively impact your business if you use a second SIM. 


limitations can vary depending on the model and manufacturer. It’s advisable to research and compare different dual SIM phones before making a purchase to ensure it meets your specific requirements and preferences. 


While dual SIM phones offer a range of advantages, they also come with their fair share of drawbacks. Ultimately, it’s crucial to consider your specific needs and usage patterns to determine if the advantages outweigh the drawbacks for your particular situation. By carefully assessing these aspects, you can make a choice that aligns with your communication requirements and enhances your overall mobile experience. 


What’s a better alternative to Dual SIM phones?


While Dual SIM phones are a good option for those looking to get a second phone number, may we introduce you to a solution without all the drawbacks…


Virtual phone numbers! 


Did you know you can get a virtual phone number that doesn’t require you to get a second SIM card? Virtual phone numbers work by using a WiFi or data connection to facilitate calls and texts through an app. This means all you need is a stable internet connection and you’re good to go. Virtual phone numbers are a convenient way to get a second phone number and virtual phone number providers like Devyce are particularly valuable to business users. 


Devyce is more than just a phone number. It’s designed to elevate business communications. With access to advanced features like call forwarding and AI call summarisation, you’ll take your business communication to a new level of coordination and efficiency. 


Check out Devyce for your business today!


Managing Multiple Phone Numbers: A Guide To Having A Second Line

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Key Takeaways


  1. Many people choose to have a second phone number to separate their business and personal communications
  2. Second phone numbers are also great for those who work/travel abroad a lot to avoid high international fees
  3. There are various ways to get a second phone number, both paid for and free. These include mobile apps, dual SIM phones, eSIMs, and virtual phone numbers.  
  4. Managing the use of multiple phone numbers can get tricky without some structure and guidelines in place
  5. This post provides helpful tips for effectively managing multiple phone numbers, such as organising contacts and messages, setting up dedicated voicemails, establishing communication guidelines, etc. 


Why You May Need a Second Phone Number


There are various reasons why you may need a second phone number. These are some of the most common reasons:

  1. Separating business and personal communications – small business owners, freelancers, and agency workers often use their personal phone numbers for business communications to save money. This can lead to confusion between personal and business calls/texts so it may be helpful to have a second phone number to handle work-related inquiries. 
  2. Working/travelling abroad – individuals who often travel or work abroad for extended periods of time may find it easier to have a second phone number local to the country they frequently travel to. This is a cost-effective solution to avoid high international call charges. 
  3. Privacy & security – when signing up for services or online shopping, you’re often required to provide a phone number. This is collected for delivery updates and then stored for marketing purposes. While these are malicious intentions, your personal information can sometimes end up in the wrong places, compromising your privacy and security. Therefore having a second number can prevent this from happening. 


There are many other reasons to get a second number and most working professionals will have a second phone number. The specific reasons can vary greatly based on individual preferences, circumstances, and the need for organisation or separation in different aspects of life. 


Methods to Obtain a Second Phone Number


If you’re in need of a second phone number, there are a number of ways to get a second phone number. Many options are paid for however, there are also some good free options too. Check out our previous blog post for great free options for obtaining a second phone number. Here we’ll go through the different ways you can get a second phone number and the advantages/disadvantages of each: 


  • Through your current phone service provider


The easiest way to get a second phone number is to contact your current phone service provider and set up another phone number with them. This will require you to pay for two lines from them and you might wish to purchase another handset to use the new number or, if you already have another device on hand, you’ll only need to order a sim card. Phone service providers have two options: yearly contracts or pay-as-you-go service. You’ll need to evaluate which option is right for you depending on how you will be using the number.


Advantages: If you’re happy with their services already, you’ll be sure there won’t be any problems with the new line. This means you can quickly obtain a new phone number.


Disadvantages: Not the most cost-effective solution depending on how you wish to use the phone number eg. for business or temporary travel. It may require additional expenses eg. for a new handset. 


  • Mobile apps


Several mobile apps offer second phone number services. These apps typically assign you a virtual phone number that can be used for calls and texts within the app. Some services will work by using an internet connection eg. VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) while others may piggyback off your current provider’s minutes or texts available in your package. These apps may offer additional features like call recording or call forwarding. There are both paid-for and free options available for getting second phone numbers through apps. 


Advantages: There’s no need to purchase a second phone or sim card, making it convenient to use. 


Disadvantages: There are so many of these apps available it can be hard to find the right one for you. Furthermore, service quality can be poor for some of these apps as, typically they aren’t maintained well with regular updates. You’ll often have to pay for any upgrades to service eg. advanced calling features. This makes them a better option for short-term use. 


  • Dual SIM or eSIM phones 


Dual SIM phones are those that have two sim card components. This allows you to have two phone numbers on the same phone and you can switch between them usually pretty easily in the device settings. eSIM phones are those that come with a SIM card embedded in the device. This allows the phone to host multiple phone numbers without the need for physical SIM cards.


Advantages: You’ll only need to purchase a second sim card and can easily switch between the two numbers for dual SIM phones. For eSIM phones you’ll only need to purchase subscriptions for a second phone number. 


Disadvantages: Phones are often tied to a certain phone service provider. This means you won’t be able to get a second phone number from a different provider, meaning this option may not be the most cost-effective solution and you’ll be limited in your options for second phone number providers. 


  • Virtual Phone Numbers


Virtual phone numbers are slightly different from VoIP. While VoIP refers to the technology allowing you to make calls and texts over the internet, virtual phone numbers are ones that are not tied to any specific device/SIM card. The phone number is stored in a cloud network and you can access it through any compatible device device eg. mobile phone, laptop etc. This phone number can be used on a WiFi or data connection and often provides additional call functionalities such as call forwarding. 


Advantages: Works on your existing phone so there is no need to purchase a second device. Allows you to stay flexible as you can access the phone number wherever you are as long as you have a stable internet connection. You can also have multiple lines provided by a virtual phone number service.


Disadvantages: There are limited emergency services available when using virtual phone numbers. Sometimes emergency services may not recognise virtual numbers so calls to emergency numbers may not go through. 


There are various options for you to consider to get a second phone number. You should choose the best option for how you intend to use the second phone number as some options are better tailored for certain user types. For example, for business users, we’d recommend paying for a virtual phone number service to get reliable long-term usage with advanced calling features.


Tips for Managing Multiple Phone Numbers


So now that you have a second (or maybe even third number), how can you manage them well? 


If your solution involves purchasing another phone, it may be easier to manage multiple numbers as everything will be kept on separate phones. However, having multiple phone numbers on one device can be hard to stay on top of so here are some of our key tips to effectively manage multiple phone numbers: 


  1. Keep your contacts organised – If you opt for apps to get a second phone number, check if there are in-app contacts (allowing you to separate personal and business contacts). Otherwise, you’ll need an effective system to differentiate between business and personal contacts. On iOS devices, you’re able to create contact lists which allows you to select the contacts you want to separate from others. You can find a helpful guide on how to do this on iphonelife’s website. For Android devices, check out this guide on Google’s support page. 
  2. Organise your messages – When using apps for second numbers, often you’ll be able to message specific contacts using that number within the app. For both iOS and Android devices, there is currently no way to filter messages or organise them into groups/lists. In this case, you may consider saving certain contacts e.g. business contacts with the word ‘business’ at the end of their names (or something similar to this). This will help you differentiate between the different message threads.
  3. Set up dedicated voicemails for each number – Be sure to set up a different voicemail greeting for your personal number and business number. This helps those calling your business number to be sure that they’ve called the right number if they aren’t able to get through to you.
  4. Create communication guidelines – It’s important to have clear communication guidelines for how you conduct business communications vs. your personal communications. This includes setting boundaries as to when you can be contacted through your second phone number and you’ll need to make this clear on your business website or to your business contacts e.g. with follow-up thank you text messages. 
  5. Use advanced calling features (if available) – features like call forwarding or routing are great for business use if you have multiple numbers. This allows you to direct incoming calls to the first available line. 
  6. Create time blocks – if you are a business user, make sure to block out time when you will be concentrating on using the business number e.g. to make sales calls. Then during these times, set up ‘do not disturb’ on your personal or other phone numbers. This ensures you don’t get distracted when working with one number. 
  7. Review your processes regularly – remember to assess your usage of multiple numbers regularly. This helps you to identify which numbers aren’t necessary any more so you can consider consolidating or discontinuing them. 


Managing multiple phone numbers can be made easier with the right strategies and tools. Whether you need a second number for business purposes, online shopping, or privacy protection, there are various options available. However, it’s important to consider the limitations and potential costs associated with second phone number services. Thorough research and understanding of terms and conditions are crucial to avoid unexpected charges.


Devyce for Multiple Lines


For business users seeking a reliable and feature-rich solution, investing in a virtual phone number provider like Devyce can provide advanced features, work-life balance, and transparent pricing. Devyce makes working with multiple numbers feel natural. You can easily switch between phone numbers on the app. You’re also able to colour code your different phone number. Each time you call from a specific phone number, the calling screen appears in the correct colour code you can be sure you’re calling from the right number. This helps you to stay organised in your business communications. 


Devyce Teams also provides you with access to a management portal where you can manage the activity of each phone number. Here you can quickly add/remove phone numbers from your network as well as listen to voicemail messages left for each phone number. The Teams Management portal helps you to stay organised when managing multiple phone numbers. 


Get in touch with our lovely team today to get your second business number and manage them like a pro with our all inclusive business number solution today! 

Free Second Phone Number: How It Works

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Purple background with graphic of a smartphone and a title of How to get a second phone number for free

Key Takeaways


  1. There are various reasons why you’d need a second number but the 3 main reasons are: for business, online shopping and protecting your privacy
  2. The best way to obtain a second phone number for free is through apps that provide second phone numbers 
  3. Some of these options however may not be suitable for longer term use e.g. for business
  4. Business users may want to consider investing in a cost-effective solution like Devyce to get a second phone number


Need a second phone number but don’t want to purchase another phone, or sim card, or sign up for another phone contract? In this article, we’ll guide you through how you can get a second phone number for free…


Why you might need a second phone number


There are 3 main reasons why you might need a second phone number: 


  1. For business purposes – This is the most common reason for getting a second number. Business owners often find themselves having to hand out their personal phone numbers when starting their business. This isn’t ideal for security reasons, especially as the business grows. Therefore business owners may look into getting a second phone number to use for business communications only. A second phone number will also help to maintain professionalism for your business and provide you better work-life balance.
  2. For online shopping – Vendors usually need a phone number for delivery updates e.g. if a courier needs to contact you regarding the delivery status. However, this data is often stored and used for marketing purposes later (you’ll often sign up for this when you tick that little t&c box at checkout). If you wish to avoid this, it’s helpful to get a second phone number to use for your online shopping. 
  3. For protecting your privacy – Any time you sign up for anything whether it be an app or an event, the vendors have the right to collect and store your data. There’s usually no malicious intent behind this and it’s mostly for marketing purposes. However, occasionally companies experience data breaches, resulting in personal information stored by the organisation being leaked to the public. This means your data could end up in the wrong hands and you could be faced with continuous spam calls and elaborate scams. Using a second phone number can help to safeguard your personal information and prevent this from happening to you, should there be a data breach with any company you’ve worked with in the past.


Methods to obtain a free second phone number


The best way to get a second phone number for free is to use apps that provide virtual phone numbers. There are quite a few apps available on the market so we picked out the top 3: 


  1. Google Voice has both an app and a web interface that you can use. However, do bear in mind the web interface doesn’t allow outbound calling. You can only send and receive texts and listen to voicemails on the web interface. Through the app, you’ll be able to make and receive calls. It’s free to use without any ads and it will be tied to your Google account (if you already have one). However, the limitations of Google Voice are that it hasn’t been updated by Google for a long time. This means that they may choose to scrap Google Voice at any point, making it potentially an unstable option for long-term use such as for business. 
  2. Sideline is a great option that uses your phone carrier’s signal. This means as long as your phone has a connection, you can use Sideline to make and receive calls/texts. Sideline uses your existing carrier’s minutes and text allowances. This can be a downside if you are on a plan with limited minutes and texts however, this provides you with certainty of coverage so you know the service will always work. The limitations to Sideline are that it’s only a free service for 7 days. After your trial ends, you’ll start paying. Currently there is not information revealed about how much you’ll have to pay so Sideline is a good option if you only need a second phone number temporarily. 
  3. Burner – This is as the name suggests. A ‘burner phone’ application allowing you to get second phone numbers and delete (burn) them as you please! What we like about this app is that you can integrate it with other applications such as Slack, Google, and Evernote. This makes it a good tool for business use as it helps to streamline communications processes. The app also has a ‘lock’ function where you can prevent unwanted access to the app. Burner, however, like many others only offers a 7-day free trial. Furthermore, many users have noted that there are a series of user guides that are loaded into the app as notifications that pop up every now and then. Some users may find this inconvenient. 


Considerations and limitations of free second phone numbers


As you may have already noticed, free second phone numbers are for the most part not free forever. However, if you begin using a second phone number service and decide you like it, it can be worth investing in using it for the long term. 


We do advise however to thoroughly research while you are in the free trial period. This is because often vendors have hidden charges such as charges per text or call that may not be revealed. You should also check the contract conditions should you stay using the service past the free trial period. Many consumers get locked into a lengthy contracts with high exit fee implications. If this is something you might not be able to financially commit to, be sure to thoroughly check the terms and conditions of the service beforehand.


Second phone number apps are often designed for shorter-term usage. Therefore it’s best to evaluate your usage needs beforehand. For example if you are starting a business, you’ll need a number to use for the long term as it can create an unprofessional to customers if you are constantly changing the business phone number. Currently we’ve found that most free options for second numbers are not designed for business use. 


Get a second phone number for business


As a business user, it may be worth investing in an affordable and reliable virtual phone number provider like Devyce. They are a virtual business phone system provider with plans tailored to business users from freelancers to SME companies. 


How Devyce works is, it uses a WiFi or data connection to facilitate calls and texts (VoIP for those who are familiar, if not then think along the lines of WhatsApp)! Your second phone number is also provided through an app. The great thing about Devyce for business users is its ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature. At the switch of a button, you’ll get work-life balance as all your Devyce notifications will be turned off until your business hours resume. This removes the anxiety of still receiving business notifications after hours as Devyce operates on your personal phone. 


Devyce also comes with a variety of advanced calling features to enhance the professionalism and productivity of your business communications. For example, you can set up call forwarding which allows all incoming calls to be directed to the next available line, ensuring customers don’t have to wait or call back later. These advanced calling features are great for businesses that are growing. 


The service is a no-contract, subscription-based service. You’ll only ever pay monthly (unless you opt for the annual plan) and you’re welcome to leave the service at any time, without having to pay exit fees. Pricing is also fixed and transparent so you don’t have to worry about hidden charges. 


Devyce is the perfect business phone solution for business owners to keep their work and personal communications separate. While saving money and taking advantage of advanced technology to enhance business operations. 


Get in touch with our team and take advantage of our cutting-edge technology to grow your business today. 


How to Transfer a Landline Number to a Mobile in The UK

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Key Takeaways


  1. Number porting is the process of transferring your old phone number from one phone service provider to another
  2. It’s possible to port a landline number to a new service
  3. Porting a landline number is the same process as porting a mobile number however it takes a few extra steps and the process takes a few more days to complete
  4. Porting a landline number to a mobile device means your mobile phone number will be replaced with the landline number. It’s important to consider this change and its impact on your communication setup
  5. Devyce offers a virtual business phone number solution that allows you to have both your landline number and mobile number operating on one device through their app. By porting your landline number to Devyce, you can avoid the need for a separate handset and enjoy the convenience of managing multiple numbers in one place


Understanding Number Porting


When you switch to a new phone service provider, you’ll have the option to keep your existing number by porting (transferring) it over to the new service provider. You can port both landline and mobile numbers through the same process. The only difference being the time it will take to transfer the number (landline numbers take a bit longer to port). To familiarise yourself further with the number porting process, check out our number porting guide


You can also port a landline number to a mobile phone instead of to a different landline. This is important for businesses who have an associated landline number and want to keep using the landline number after the landline switch off


Reasons to Port a Landline Number to a Mobile Device


The landline switch off means landline technology will be obsolete by 2025. This however doesn’t mean that landline numbers will go out of use. Landline numbers are particularly beneficial to businesses as studies show that consumers are more likely to trust a business when they see the contact number is a landline [1]. This is because it gives the appearance that the business is well established. Furthermore, depending on the type of business you are running, you may wish to keep a local presence. This can be done most effectively with the area code of landline numbers. 


Traditional landline phones require you to be at a certain location to make and receive calls. Therefore porting your landline number to a mobile device will allow you to work on the go. This ensures your business remains easily reachable even when you need to be on the move or you wish to facilitate remote/hybrid working for your employees. 


Eligibility and Requirements for Landline to Mobile Transfer


Due to the pending landline switch off, you will need to check with both your current landline service provider and the provider you wish to switch to, whether the number can be transferred. This is due to coverage requirements as some providers may not be able to provide service in the specific region of your landline’s area code. Furthermore, certain landline numbers like toll-free numbers may not be eligible for porting. Contact customer support phone lines for the quickest response. If your new provider is able to facilitate porting of landline numbers, you’ll then need to request a PAC code from your previous provider. 


Before porting your landline number, check that you are out of the contract period with your previous provider. Otherwise, there may be exit fees to end your contract early.


How Does Porting a Landline Number to a Mobile Phone Work?


Porting your landline number to a mobile device means you can then use the landline number on your mobile phone. It’s important to note that by transferring your landline number to your mobile device, you will be replacing your mobile phone number with the landline number. This means your mobile phone number will not be in use anymore. 


Steps to Transfer your Landline Number to a Mobile Phone


  1. Contact your new provider and ask them whether they would be able to bring your landline number over
  2. Get in touch with your previous provider to request a PAC code. For landline numbers, you’ll need to do this over the phone or via email
  3. Once you have the PAC code, provide this and the landline number you wish to transfer, to your new mobile provider. You may also need to give some other details to do with your new account with the new provider to confirm identity eg. the email address you used to sign up etc
  4. The new provider will handle the transfer process which can take a few days. You should receive a notification when the number has been transferred 


Tips for a Smooth Transfer Process


  • Check your contract obligations before making a switch
  • Gather all the information you’ll need beforehand eg. account numbers, billing addresses etc. This means you can quickly initiate the porting process when prompted to provide this information to the new provider.
  • You may need to provide additional information or fill out any authorisation forms. If your new or current provider requests such information, be sure to complete it promptly or you’ll risk delaying the process. 
  • Prepare for downtimes – the porting process takes a few days to complete. However, during this time your landline number can still be used. It’s difficult to predict when there will be an outage. You can enquire with your new and/or previous provider to get an idea of how long it may be and roughly when it might take effect. You’ll then need to accommodate this on your website and other channels such as social media to notify customers and direct them to use other methods to contact your business. 
  • After the process is complete, be sure to test that inbound and outbound calls are working well. Raise any flags to your new provider to avoid unexpected outages to your service. 


Porting your landline number to a mobile device has many advantages and is a fairly simple process. If your business number is affected by the landline switch-off, we’d recommend porting your landline number to a mobile device. However, there are limitations to this to bear in mind. Your mobile phone number will be replaced with the landline number. To ensure you have a working landline number on a mobile device, as well as keep your mobile phone number operating, you may choose to purchase an extra device to port your landline number to. However, let us introduce you to a better solution…


Port your Landline Number to Devyce


Instead of purchasing a second handset to accommodate your landline number, why not have both numbers operating on one single device? 


Devyce is a virtual business phone number provider. You get a business number provided through an app so all you’ll need is a good WiFi or data connection to make and receive calls/texts (think along the lines of WhatsApp). This enables you to have two phone numbers on one phone, removing the need to purchase a new phone and set up a new plan with another mobile service provider. 


Signing up for Devyce is simple and we’ll set you up in just a few minutes. Once you’re set up, you can initiate the porting process with us by providing us the PAC code and we’ll transfer your landline number over to your Devyce account within 5 working days. 
