Category: WhatsApp Business

Benefits of Using WhatsApp Business in Recruitment

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Purple background with images of white people user icons in the lower left corner and one user icon is red. TItle in white saying Benefits of WhatsApp Business for Recruitment. A phone emoji above the title.

WhatsApp boasts over 2 billion users worldwide, making it one of the most popular and fast-growing communication platforms. The sister platform is WhatsApp Business. It’s designed for businesses to connect with their customers in a personalised manner and bring their business to new audiences. WhatsApp Business’ many benefits also makes it an effective tool for recruiters to leverage, in order to tackle the challenges faced in the competitive world of recruitment.


Key messaging features of WhatsApp Business


  • Real-time messaging with customers 
  • Sharing attachments with messages eg. .pdf, .doc, .jpg etc
  • Voice notes
  • Creating WhatsApp groups


How do recruiting and WhatsApp Business go together?


There are many ways the benefits of WhatsApp Business can be leveraged as a solution to the challenges in recruitment: 


Challenge 1: Sourcing the right talent


The most common avenues of talent acquisition are heavily oversaturated. This makes it hard for recruiters to source the right candidates. Meaning many have turned to social channels for their search. 


WhatsApp’s group feature is great for finding ideal candidates. There are many groups specifically for recruiters where you can share job listings and others can refer you to relevant candidates. Additionally, you can find talent in groups for candidates looking for specific roles too e.g. sales job search group chats. This will increase the chances of finding the right fit for a role as you are able to quickly target the relevant talent pool. 


WhatsApp Business allows you to directly reach out to candidates and share the job listing with them instantly. The real time messaging nature of WhatsApp also means you are able to answer any questions the candidates may have promptly. 


Challenge 2: Time constraints


Recruitment is highly competitive. Traditionally recruitment cycles take roughly 27 days [1]. Meaning if a candidate cannot be secured within 2-3 weeks, you’re at risk of losing the candidate to a competitor. Therefore shortening the hiring process where possible is key to securing top talent and staying ahead of the competition. 

WhatsApp Business supports instant communication so you waste no time. Upon sending job listings to potential candidates, you’ll be able to very quickly determine their level of interest and relevant qualifications. This allows recruiters to make quick, informed decisions and move the hiring process along more efficiently. 


Additionally, taking a conversational approach helps to build rapport with potential candidates. Thereby increasing the chances of them accepting a job offer. By leveraging the speed and convenience of WhatsApp Business, recruiters can improve their recruitment outcomes and secure talent in a timely manner.


Challenge 3: Employer branding


Selling a job to a candidate goes beyond sharing the job listing. Let’s be real, the job search process is tedious. Therefore it’s important for recruiters to find creative and innovative ways to present an employer’s culture and values in order to attract talent. 


Through WhatsApp, recruiters can share multimedia content with candidates. This allows recruiters to build a strong employer brand and make the company more attractive to potential candidates. By sharing information about the company in an engaging way, you can capture the attention of candidates and showcase what makes the company unique.


Furthermore, the conversational nature you can take on WhatsApp allows for a more personalised approach. Recruiters can create a dialogue with candidates to understand their needs and preferences, and tailor their messaging accordingly. This helps candidates feel heard and valued, leading to building stronger connections and increased chances of a job offer being accepted. 


Challenge 4: Talent retention


Recruiters know the recruitment cycle doesn’t end at a successful hire. Retaining talent is a significant challenge faced by recruiters and employers. There are misconceptions that it is the responsibility of the employer to manage. However recruiters can and should be providing ongoing support to the candidates they’ve successfully placed following on-boarding. 


Recruiters can use WhatsApp Business to keep in touch with new employees and provide guidance, helping them to navigate their career paths and identify opportunities for growth within the company. Regular check-ins and performance evaluations can help to identify any issues or concerns early on, allowing for timely intervention and resolution.


This also provides a channel for direct feedback regarding the recruitment process. New hires can share valuable insight into their hiring experience, allowing you to create open and friendly dialogue to resolve any concerns. You can then use this information to improve your services and optimise future recruitment processes through WhatsApp Business.


Challenge 5: Unorganised applicant tracking


Recruiters often face the challenge of managing the overwhelming volume of candidate outreach they need to do on a daily basis. You’ll need to use an applicant tracking system to stay on top of each active lead. 


A great feature of WhatsApp Business is the ability to integrate it with your applicant tracking system to automate the process of recording and tracking candidate communication. By automating this process, recruiters can save time and significantly reduce the hiring timeline with organised management of candidate communication. 


Additionally, integrations with an applicant tracking system can help to improve candidate experience as you can send reminders and notifications regarding job interviews, assessment days etc. This helps to efficiently move the hiring process along leading to faster and higher chances of successful outcomes. To do this, you’d need to consider getting the WhatsApp Business API – a separate service instead.



In today’s competitive job market, recruiters need every advantage they can get to find and attract the best candidates. WhatsApp Business is more than just a communication platform – it’s a game-changing tool that can positively impact your recruitment process. WhatsApp Business is a must-have for any recruiter looking to achieve more successful outcomes. Make use of the benefits WhatsApp Business has to offer for recruitment, so you don’t get left behind in the race for talent! 





What’s the difference between WhatsApp Business & WhatsApp Business API?

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Image of a phone with the WhatsApp Business logo on the screen.

WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging channel, launched WhatsApp Business in 2018 as a platform for businesses to sell and interact with customers in a more engaging way. This is a great solution for small businesses to level up their customer service and be on par with bigger organisations. 


However, as these businesses begin to grow, WhatsApp Business will become less viable as the demand for customer service increases. That’s why Meta launched WhatsApp Business API as well. In this article we’ll break down the key differences between WhatsApp Business vs WhatsApp Business API and determine which solution is best for your business.


What is WhatsApp Business?


WhatsApp Business is an app that offers all the functions normal WhatsApp Messenger does, with added business features. These include: displaying product catalogues, lead generation tools and call to action buttons. This allows you to bring your storefront to new customer bases. It also allows you to communicate with your customers in real time for customer support. Meaning you can create personalised conversations and foster meaningful customer support experiences.


What are the downsides for a growing company?


Although it supports real time conversations with customers, it doesn’t allow more than 4 active sessions at any given time. It’s compatible for up to 5 connected devices however, only 4 can be active simultaneously. This means connectivity to your business can be hindered because your team isn’t able to respond at the rate that is expected by customers. Especially as your business grows and the volume of inbound messages increases. Additionally, your agents need to manually respond to each customer when using WhatsApp Business. 


What is an API?


An API is an Application Programming Interface. It’s defined as a piece of code that allows two softwares to communicate with no user intervention. The code is programmable and essentially allows two softwares to become integrated. 


What is WhatsApp Business API?


The API is a piece of software that allows you to integrate WhatsApp Business functions with your company software. This means your company can access and integrate WhatsApp Business features to another customer service software you may be using such as a CRM platform. You can interact with the API in varying ways to suit your business’ needs. You may also wish to add functionalities such as a chatbot. 


What is the difference between WhatsApp Business and WhatsApp Business API?


The key difference is that WhatsApp Business is a standalone app whereas the API is the set of procedures acting as a gateway to features or data. When you use the API, you won’t have a WhatsApp Business interface. However, your customers will still be able to message your business through the WhatsApp Platform. Your business profile will also appear in the same format to customers as on the business app. Meaning your business can offer WhatsApp as a way for your customers to communicate with you while you manage the communications using your current customer service platform. 


The API allows you to incorporate WhatsApp Business services with your existing customer communications infrastructure. Utilising the API’s access to features may allow companies to create enhanced services. This makes the API a better tool for larger firms.


WhatsApp Business is free to use whereas you’ll need to apply and be approved to become a WhatsApp Partner to use the API. It is a paid for service and the cost will depend on your business needs. Companies are charged for each conversation per 24 hour session. Check out Meta’s official WhatsApp Business API pricing here. 


What are the key features of WhatsApp Business API?

Messaging templates:

Businesses can create pre-approved message templates for frequently asked questions or commonly sent messages to customers. These templates can be customised with dynamic fields to personalise the message for each recipient. They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as providing account information, order updates, or appointment reminders. 


Messaging templates are different from the automated message feature in WhatsApp Business. Automated messages are prewritten and cannot be edited. They’re usually messages such as out of office notifications. Messaging templates however can be automated replies to common questions eg. queries about return policies etc. Therefore making it easier for businesses to provide timely and relevant information to their customers through an external site/piece of software. 


Integration with other tools:

The API can be integrated with a business’s existing customer service software or CRM system to streamline communication and data management. This allows businesses to manage customer interactions on WhatsApp within their existing workflow. Businesses can view and respond to WhatsApp messages alongside other customer communications in a single platform, helping to improve response times.


Businesses can also access customer information and history in their CRM system, providing valuable context for customer interactions. This creates more personalised and effective support. Additionally, businesses can use the data gathered to enrich their CRM database, which can help to better understand customer behaviour and preferences. This data can then be used to inform marketing strategies and improve customer engagement across multiple channels.


Messaging analytics:

Messaging analytics provide businesses with valuable insights into the success of their communication strategy. Businesses can track message delivery and response rates, as well as overall engagement with their WhatsApp Business Account. This data can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of messaging templates, identify areas for improvement and adjust communication strategies accordingly.


Businesses can gain a deeper understanding of how their customers are engaging with them on this platform. With this information, businesses can make data-driven decisions about their conversational communication strategy, and continually improve the quality and relevance of their messaging.


Broadcast messages:

The message broadcast feature allows businesses to send a message to multiple customers at once. It’s particularly useful for businesses that need to send out a mass communication, such as a promotion or an update. The message can be personalised with the recipient’s name or other relevant information, making it more engaging and effective. 


Message broadcasts can also be scheduled to be sent at a specific time or date. Therefore allowing businesses to reach their customers at the optimal time for engagement. Additionally, businesses can track the delivery and read receipts of each message, providing them with valuable insights into the success of their communication strategy.


What features aren’t available?


The main 3 WhatsApp Business app features not available with the APIs are:

  • Video/voice calling (so users can only contact your business on WhatsApp by messaging)
  • WhatsApp groups
  • Business catalogues


How secure is WhatsApp Business API?


Messages exchanged using WhatsApp are always end to end encrypted. Meaning your communications with customers will be protected. When businesses use the API, WhatsApp ensures customer’s messages are delivered securely to the destination determined by the business eg. your CRM system. Once messages are received by the business, it will be subject to the business’ own privacy practices. 


How to sign up for the API?


There are 2 ways you can get access to WhatsApp Business API:

  1. Apply directly with Meta – You can do this through your Facebook Business Manager account. This process however can be complex depending on what you need for your business and takes a considerable amount of time for approval. 
  2. Apply for access from a Business Solution Provider – These are intermediate companies in partnership with WhatsApp Business who are authorised to provide access to the API. This is a more accessible and faster method of gaining access to the WhatsApp Business API.


What do I need to request access?


You will need: 

  • A Facebook Business Manager account (you can easily create one on Facebook’s business platform)
  • A WhatsApp Business account 
  • A line of credit for your WhatsApp Business account


You will also need a different phone number to the one you may have for your personal WhatsApp account. WhatsApp Business Accounts require a separate working phone number to set up.


Find out how to get a virtual number to set up your account with our previous blog post.


Which one is right for you?


Choosing between the two depends largely on your company size. For small businesses, WhatsApp Business app may offer sufficient capabilities to handle your business’ support queries. It’s a great solution for taking a conversational approach to customer support and allowing customers to reach you on a platform they’re already using. 


However medium to larger businesses may find WhatsApp Business API is a more suitable option. This is because the API offers a high level of customisation and more powerful tools that enable your business to greatly enhance customer service models. Choosing between the two will depend on your business’ specific needs and goals for communication on the platform. Furthermore, businesses should consider potential set up costs as installing and utilising the API will require technical skills.


Both offer great opportunities for businesses to connect with their customers on a personal level. WhatsApp Business is a great option for small businesses. On the other hand, the API is more suitable for medium to large businesses, as it offers advanced features better fit for larger customer support teams. While both options have their benefits, choosing the right solution for your business ultimately depends on your unique needs, budget, and goals. With the right approach, WhatsApp Business or WhatsApp Business API can be a valuable asset to your business and help you build strong customer relationships.


Best practices for multiple users on WhatsApp Business

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Graphic of a laptop and two smartphones next to it on a beige background. All displaying the WhatsApp Business logo.

Conversational messaging between brands and consumers is an up and coming trend in customer service. Allowing customers to reach you on the platforms they prefer opens up new opportunities. So you can connect with consumers on a more personal level. Meaning higher customer engagement and satisfaction with your brand. 


WhatsApp Business is a brilliant platform designed for this! Over 2 billion people already actively use WhatsApp so chances are, your consumer base is already prepared to meet you on this platform. Last week we dove into how you can share use of your WhatsApp Business account across 5 devices. Meaning your customer support is centralised to one support number. 


However, managing a shared account can be challenging. Particularly as the team grows. In this article, we’ll guide you through some of the challenges with having multiple users on WhatsApp Business and the best practices for your shared account. So you can get the best out of conversational messaging to elevate your customer experience. 


Challenge 1: Keeping track of conversations and follow ups


It can be easy for confusion to arise when multiple team members are responding to inquiries and support requests. Uncertainty over who answered which query and whether follow-up has happened can lead to frustration for both customers and team members. Potentially harming your business’s reputation. 


Best Practice: Create a tracking protocol


Set up a centralised log that all team members can access. This can be easily done with collaborative digital workspaces such as Google Drive or Notion. This can help to ensure team members track their communications by creating a process chart. Here’s an example:


A diagram of a flow chart describing the different steps in a conversation tracking protocol

A sample flowchart customer support team leaders can use to track their team’s workflow


We’d recommend tailoring this to your team’s needs and workflow. It’s important to have a system in place to track your team’s communications. This ensures that your team can provide consistent and efficient customer service, without duplicating efforts or overlooking important follow-up tasks. By creating a clear process chart, such as the one above, you create a standardised way of documenting communications, enabling your team to work together more seamlessly and efficiently.

Challenge 2: Overlapping team activity


Having multiple users active on the account at the same time could cause overlapping activity resulting in a customer receiving the same message twice. This can make your brand appear less professional. 


Best practice: Create a schedule and delegate tasks


This is also why having a conversation tracker is crucial as, you can see what needs to be done and assign tasks to relevant team members. In conjunction you’ll also need to set up a schedule to ensure team members active at the same time aren’t responding to the same queries as another team member.  


Challenge 3: Repetitive or mixed messaging


For small businesses using WhatsApp business as one of their main customer support channels, you may find that common questions will arise. It can be time consuming for your team to respond to each query with the same answer. Or worse, if your team is responding with different recommendations to different customers.


Best practice: Set up automated responses


Firstly establish your standard processes for common queries that customers have and ensure all team members are up to date. Then it can be helpful to set up automated responses for your WhatsApp Business account. This can easily be done on your WhatsApp Business settings and if you need some guidance, check out this helpful article


Setting up auto reply saves your team time and ensures a fast response to customers. Therefore enhancing your customer service experience as 69% of consumers judge the quality of customer service based on the speed of response they get [1]. Also creating a unified customer experience. 


Challenge 4: Maintaining a consistent brand voice


The aim of using platforms like WhatsApp to communicate with customers is the ability to take a more personal and friendly approach. Because this channel of communication is more conversational, it can be challenging to maintain your brand voice and professionalism. With multiple users on the account, inconsistencies with brand tone and style of messaging may occur. 


Best practice: Establish clear messaging guidelines


Create clear guidelines for customer communications, taking into account brand tone and your target audience. Even the small things like how many emojis to use (yes, there can be too many!) are important to consider for messaging guidelines. Then ensure all team members are provided training on how to effectively communicate with customers through WhatsApp Business. By doing so, you can ensure that your brand’s voice and message remain consistent, no matter who is responding to customer inquiries.


Challenge 5: Data security


Sharing an account across multiple devices can create security vulnerabilities, especially in remote or hybrid work environments. For instance, if a team member loses their device with WhatsApp Business logged in, sensitive customer and company data could be at risk of compromise. It’s important to take steps to mitigate these risks and safeguard the account and its data.


Best practice: Set up multifactorial authentication & log out after every session


Multifactorial authentication (MFA) and logging out after every session can be tedious. However it greatly reduces the risk of security breaches. MFA adds an additional layer of protection as it requires employees to verify their credentials before logging them in. This is a feature that can be set up in your WhatsApp Business settings by following these steps: 


  1. Go to your setting tab on the WhatsApp Business app (bottom right corner for Apple users, 3 dots on the top right corner for Android users)
  2. Tap ‘Account’
  3. Tap ‘Two Factor Authentication’ and enable it
  4. Set up a 6 digit pin code (make sure this is not a generic sequence of numbers but simple enough for employees to remember)
  5. Enter your business email address and follow the instructions in an email WhatsApp will send to you to confirm the email address


You’ll be notified when MFA is activated. Then every time a user attempts to sign in, they’ll be prompted to enter the pin code. Make sure only those in the relevant team are provided this code. It’s also in your company’s best interest to ensure employees log out of the account once their session concludes. This ensures the account is not left open and vulnerable to unauthorised use.


Sharing a WhatsApp Business account among team members can be an effective way to streamline customer communication and improve efficiency. However, it’s important to establish clear guidelines and best practices to ensure that the account is being used effectively and securely. With careful planning and attention to best practices, sharing a WhatsApp Business account can be a valuable asset for any team looking to improve their customer communication and engagement.






How to use WhatsApp Business with multiple users

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Looking for a way to add multiple users to your WhatsApp Business account? Or wondering what solutions there are to facilitate a growing customer support team? We’ve got all the answers for you. In this article we’ll explain how your team can share a WhatsApp Business account and solutions to scale your technology to your business growth.

Multiple Users Feature

WhatsApp Business was designed with small businesses in mind. It’s the perfect tool to leverage a popular communication app for customer service. So if you haven’t already set up WhatsApp Business for your company, you are missing out.

Particularly because WhatsApp Business provides the ability to link up to 5 devices with one business number. Previously, you could only access your account via one phone and one desktop app. However, following a 2022 update, you can link WhatsApp Business with 1 phone and up to 4 PCs. Great news for growing small businesses!

Benefits of adding multiple users

Having one WhatsApp Business account your team can share access to allows employees to pick up where colleagues left off. This is important for creating a seamless customer support experience as each team member can access chat histories. They can then get the most up to date information on support tickets and reply in seconds.

Adding multiple users doesn’t require additional business numbers and won’t affect the phone number associated with your WhatsApp Business account. This means your customer support team can be reached on one number, anywhere your employees are working. As multiple people can log on, this is great for businesses operating on a hybrid/remote working model!

How to add multiple users

To link another device, follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to your WhatsApp Business App
  2. (Android) Tap the 3 vertical dots at the top right corner to open the more options drop down (Apple) Go to WhatsApp Settings on the bottom right corner of the app
  3. Click ‘Linked Devices’
  4. Click ‘Link a device’
  5. Scan the QR code with the device you’d like to link

It’s only a temporary solution…

Although this feature is great for small businesses in the early stages, what can you do when you’re starting to grow and need more capacity for your team?

These are the challenges you may face:

  • Uncertainty as to who has sent or replied to messages
  • Not being able to track each employee’s performance or workload
  • Inability to ensure all contacts receive a response

Devyce can help… 

Our phone system offers your support team the same abilities WhatsApp Business provides and more…

As your business grows, you’ll find more customers may want to reach out via a phone call. So you may want to consider using Devyce – a VoIP business phone system offering ‘call group’ functionality, to handle calls from there on. Call grouping ensures multiple team members can answer inbound calls to one number. This means your customer support agents can simultaneously answer calls ensuring no customer has to wait in line.

Additonally, you can use Devyce integrated with a CRM system to ensure you can track who’s handling which query to avoid confusion. This also allows your team to monitor the progress of support tickets and ensure all tickets are resolved.

So depending on your current needs, WhatsApp Business with multiple users linked is a great way to manage your customer queries and we’ll be here to help when you start to scale up 😉
