Recent Blog Reads

Best practices for multiple users on WhatsApp Business

Best practices for multiple users on WhatsApp Business

Conversational messaging between brands and consumers is an up and coming trend in customer service. Allowing customers to reach you...
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Everything to know about the landline switch off

Everything to know about the landline switch off

Have you heard? A major change in telecoms is coming - landline phones are to be switched off by 2025...
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How to use WhatsApp Business with multiple users

How to use WhatsApp Business with multiple users

Looking for a way to add multiple users to your WhatsApp Business account? Or wondering what solutions there are to...
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Why Investing in a VoIP Phone System is Crucial to Standing Out in the Recruitment Space

Why Investing in a VoIP Phone System is Crucial to Standing Out in the Recruitment Space

Finding and retaining talent is a process recruiters know requires going beyond dissecting a CV. It’s essential that recruiters connect...
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WhatsApp Business Number: How To Get A Virtual Number For WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp Business Number: How To Get A Virtual Number For WhatsApp Business

WhatsApp is one of the most widely used instant messaging apps with over 2 billion users worldwide [1]. 68% of...
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What is BYOD and how small businesses can benefit

  What is a BYOD policy?  BYOD stands for ‘bring your own device’ whereby employees are permitted to bring/use their...
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5 Common Customer Service Horror Stories and How to Avoid Them

5 Common Customer Service Horror Stories and How to Avoid Them

How much is poor customer service costing your business each year? UK businesses lose up to £37 billion a year...
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Why you should use more emojis at work

Why you should use more emojis at work

Emojis are an underrated communication tool.  Everyone loves using emojis - we can’t be the only ones that go through...
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5 Emerging tech trends for 2023

5 Emerging tech trends for 2023

The tech industry grows exponentially every year and 2022 was no different. This year we’ve seen exciting tech trends like...
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How you can leverage technology to reduce pressure on customer support teams

How you can leverage technology to reduce pressure on customer support teams

  The demand for customer support has increased greatly over the years, putting pressure on companies to meet consumer demands....
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Impact of rising living costs on SMEs

Impact of rising living costs on SMEs

SME business owners are going through it this year.  They’ve been hit with various economic factors fueled by the pandemic...
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10 Reasons Why Customers Choose Devyce

  What are the reasons our customers choose Devyce you ask?  Here are the top ten reasons why our happy...
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Three ways firms can help Black staff thrive beyond Black History Month

Three ways firms can help Black staff thrive beyond Black History Month

  Black History Month may be coming to an end but that doesn’t mean we should table the conversation about...
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The Most Important Things Start-Ups Should Invest in Early

The Most Important Things Start-Ups Should Invest in Early

  When starting a business, you’ll undoubtedly have a million things to do, whether it be product development or fundraising....
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The strain placed on businesses that provide a work phone

The strain placed on businesses that provide a work phone

  It’s time to stop carrying two separate phones and avoid using your personal number at work.  Did you know...
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Black History Month

Black History Month

  It's October which marks Black History Month! A month that has been celebrated annually in the UK since 1987....
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Why you should apply to jobs even if you may not fully qualify for them

Why you should apply to jobs even if you may not fully qualify for them

The corporate job market is at an all-time high, with a record number of job openings. Specifically, the graduate job...
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5 ways Devyce will improve your Real Estate Business

5 ways Devyce will improve your Real Estate Business

Improve your mobility Tell us we’re wrong but, estate agents are always on the go. Devyce allows you to call...
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What can business owners learn from Patagonia’s hand over vs. Starbucks’ reinvention plan?

A lot of high-profile business decisions were published in the recent weeks, most notably Patagonia’s handover which sparked widespread support...
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5 Important Digital Tools for Small Businesses

5 Important Digital Tools for Small Businesses

Starting a small business is daunting to say the least. Picture this: a great idea for a business pops into...
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