Tag: call analytics

5 Common Customer Service Horror Stories and How to Avoid Them

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How much is poor customer service costing your business each year? UK businesses lose up to £37 billion a year [1] as a result of inefficient customer service yet it isn’t always a high priority improvement area for businesses. 

Contact centres are still the go to channel for consumer queries despite the rise in emergence of other consumer communication channels with businesses such as chatbots, forums and email. This is due to the desire of consumers for quick resolutions of their problem. 

The reality for many contact centres is the opposite due to poor organisation of procedures and use of outdated business phone technology. So how can investing in the right technology improve your customer service experience? We’ve gathered 5 of the most common customer service hurdles faced by consumers when contacting businesses and evaluated how tech can make the process less painful for both your team and customers. 


           1. Call transfer loops

We’ve all been there – you have a query, you call customer service and the agent you speak to is unable to help so you are transferred to another who should be better equipped to help. After a long wait and finally getting through, you need to repeat yourself to this new agent who seemingly has no information about your query. Then you’re met with another dreaded transfer as they’re unfortunately also unable to help you – the nightmare of a call transfer loop. 

Being shuttled between service departments is the biggest frustration faced by customers. The root of the problem is inefficient call routing to relevant departments. Without proper routing technology, customers end up being bounced from agent to agent as your team looks for the right person to help. 

Business phone systems like Devyce allow you to set up an auto attendant which automates the routing process to ensure your customer calls are being directed to the right person/department so they are able to promptly get assistance. 


           2. Slow responses and lengthy wait times

Since the pandemic, 48% of customers say their expectations for customer service standards have risen [2], with focus on it being quick and efficient. No one likes to be kept waiting on hold or worse, calling customer service and not being able to get through with no one following up on their call. 

To decrease customer wait times and avoid missing their calls, ensure your business phone system allows call forwarding so that at any point if a member of the team is unavailable to pick up, the call can be directed to a line that is free.


           3. Repeating information to different support staff 

Often customers may reach out across multiple platforms so it’s important to ensure consistency of information across all channels. It not only provides a more seamless customer experience, it saves both parties time as it decreases wait time while support agents look for the relevant information. 

CRM platforms integrated with your business phone system helps to achieve this so you can assign support tickets to customer contact details. This is also great for providing a great omnichannel customer service experience as any member of the support team can quickly access the support thread of a specific customer across different platforms. 


           4. Unfriendly customer service

85% of customers have reported they will avoid repurchasing with companies where they’ve experienced poor customer service [3]. Customers who have bad experiences are also likely to leave negative reviews and a reputation for bad customer service will impact acquisition. 9 out of 10 consumers read reviews before making a purchase which greatly affects the buyer’s decision.


With features like recorded calls and call listening allowing other team members to listen in on your customer calls, Devyce can help you regularly improve the customer experience by analysing and utilising previous calls to train your team. You can also utilise CRM integrations to collect feedback such as sending out quick surveys which will help with optimisation of your customer service operations. 


           5. None to little after sales follow up 

The customer journey doesn’t end after a sale is made. The aftercare customers receive greatly impacts customer retention. Increasing retention rates by 5% can increase profits by between 25-95% [4]! Often a simple follow up email or call following a customer support request can make a great difference to the overall customer experience rating and lead to formation of long term consumer relationships which increase customer lifetime value.

By making the switch to a modern business phone system, you can build a better tech stack to help you better structure your customer service team and operations. 54% of customers feel that customer service is only an after thought for companies [2] and improving customer service often costs a company less than acquisition therefore companies shouldn’t neglect investing in tech for customer service teams. 

Start streamlining your customer service operations and improving customer experience today by checking out our Teams plan!

Are you curious to find out more and like the idea of a discount to get you started? Drop us your email here!


[1] https://www.smart-pa.com/uk/blog/how-much-does-bad-customer-service-cost-your-business

[2] https://cx-trends-report-2022.zendesk.com/challenges

[3] https://www.revechat.com/blog/customer-service-problems/

[4] https://media.bain.com/Images/BB_Prescription_cutting_costs.pdf

How you can leverage technology to reduce pressure on customer support teams

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The demand for customer support has increased greatly over the years, putting pressure on companies to meet consumer demands. However, many businesses struggle to keep up due to lack of resources and evolving landscapes for customer support teams. 

In a survey carried out by Intercom [1], it was found that the top challenges faced by customer support teams are:

  1. Poor workflow efficiency
  2. Attracting and retaining quality staff
  3. Inefficient handling of customer queries

Support teams can leverage technological advances to optimise their way of working in order to adapt to growing demands. Here are a few ways you could utilise tech to alleviate the pressures your customer support teams face:


        1. Use a phone system that supports remote work 

Customer support teams have reduced in size due to the pandemic resulting in increased pressure on staff. Team leads have also faced difficulties attracting and retaining staff due to large scale burnout. 

To overcome this and adapt to the changing landscapes of work, support team leads should look into investing in phone systems that support remote working like Devyce. 

With the Teams Plan on Devyce, you can provide your employees with two numbers on their phones allowing them to work from anywhere meaning employees can prioritise their wellbeing. This will also enable hiring of talent remotely – an attraction point in hiring which could lead to increased retention of staff. 


        2. Use a phone system that facilitates call groups and forwarding

Customer expectations have grown and only 24% of support teams surveyed stated they were confident they could meet them [1]. Often customer queries can’t be answered by the first person they get in contact with. The biggest challenge here is transferring calls to the right person on the team in a timely manner.  

To improve the efficiency of your customer support service, look out for phone systems with features to aid your customer’s journey. For example, on Devyce’s Teams Plan you are able to set up an auto attendant which filters inbound calls to the relevant call groups, streamlining the workflow and minimising wait and transfer times. 

        3. Utilise CRM and analytic software with your phone system

Poor workflow management is a key reason for staff burn out. To optimise, team leads need to regularly revise operations by setting up and tracking call metrics. This is hard to do on traditional phone systems so companies should explore newer phone systems. At Devyce, we offer a Teams Management Portal – a platform to view call analytics, allowing optimisation of workflow to meet goals. 

The Teams Plan also offers integrations with CRM softwares like Hubspot so you can manage your customer’s journeys. Creating an integrated tech stack improves workflow efficiency as it reduces the need for switching between softwares and ensures all team members can quickly access relevant data to handle customer queries. 


Leveraging tech to optimise your support service strategy is the key difference between companies that exceed customer expectations and those that fall behind due to not having the infrastructure to handle the growing demands. Help your team flourish today by embracing innovative advances in technology with Devyce. 



[1] https://www.intercom.com/resources/books/customer-support-trends-emea-2022


10 Reasons Why Customers Choose Devyce

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What are the reasons our customers choose Devyce you ask? 

Here are the top ten reasons why our happy customers chose us and what you could benefit from by switching to Devyce for your small business:

  • Improve efficiency

We know the feelings. Carrying around two phones can get frustrating. Then getting confused which phone to use for a call and accidentally using your personal phone to call a client. Also feeling irritated from having to switch between Apple and Android systems if your work phone is not a system you are particularly used to. So inefficient right?

Devyce solves this problem by providing you two numbers on your phone. 

Your Devyce phone number is stored in the cloud and phone calls/texts are sent over the internet instead of traditional phone lines which means you can have an additional operating number on your phone.

  • Save money with affordable pricing

We help our customers cut down on a costly business expense by removing the need for a work phone. With Devyce, you don’t need to sign up for expensive handsets and contracts for your employees as they can bring their own device. 

Our pricing plans (hyperlink to price page) are simple, affordable and transparent. No hidden fees, no lengthy contracts that are hard to get out of and an easy sign-up process. Within minutes you’d have an operating UK number ready. Save time and money for your business so you can focus on the more important things. 

  • Improve Sustainability

While saving money and time for your business, why not contribute to saving the planet as well? Deloitte global predicts that around 146 million tonnes of CO2 or equivalent emissions will be generated from smartphones in 2022 and 83% of these emissions comes from the manufacturing, shipping and first year usage [1]. 

It’s estimated that 910kg of CO2 is generated per employee working in offices each year [2] and the use of a work phone contributes to this figure. Using Devyce decreases your yearly in office carbon footprint, helping to promote more sustainable practices within SMEs.

  • Fast and reliable

Our customers are always able to receive those essential business calls wherever they are. 

Devyce works by facilitating calls and texts over the internet. This means all you need is a strong internet connection either over wifi or 4G/5G. 

Advancements in internet access technology means staying connected wherever you are, has become increasingly easy. You’ll rarely have to worry about downtime which can happen more often with traditional phone line services. Never miss business calls again with Devyce. 

  • Improve work life balance

It can be difficult to switch off from the workday when your work phone is still pinging or maybe even still getting calls. Many people find it hard to resist looking at their work phone out of work hours “just in case” there is something important that has popped up. From there it can be easy to fall into the rabbit hole of responding to work notifications well past business hours. 

Devyce have helped our customers improve their work life balance with a single button. We have a handy ‘Do Not Disturb’ feature where you can set the business hours after which you won’t receive notifications. 

  • Work from anywhere 

Take your Devyce anywhere… and we mean, anywhere in the world. Over 50% of our customers currently use Devyce abroad. Whether you are travelling for business or working remotely abroad, you can keep your UK phone number operating from there while also saving your business money on roaming costs. 

If you have a phone number attached to your business that you’d like to keep using while abroad, you can easily port your number to us (if you need help with this, contact us here: https://devyce.com/contact-us/). All of this means you can facilitate remote working for your business and even hire globally, further saving you money from lack of need for office space. 

  • Easily manage your teams

It can be tricky to stay on top of your team’s client call activity with a remote or hybrid based working model. For rapidly growing businesses, you might also struggle with managing a fast-growing team. Devyce makes this easier by providing team leaders with access to a Team’s Management Portal on our Teams Plan (hyperlink to pricing page)

From the portal you can quickly allocate/de-allocate numbers and create call forwarding pathways or groups within your team. This means you can easily keep numbers operating while an employee is away and quickly route client calls to the right person, allowing you to create a seamless customer service experience for your business. 

  • Monitor the performance of your calls

Get access to a variety of key metrics like in/outbound call durations to monitor your performance as well as analysis tools. These can be easily navigated on the Team’s Management Portal and allows you to keep track of how well your business calls are performing, optimise your calls to drive KPIs and achieve those all-important business goals. 

  • Streamline your customer relationship management

Ensure that all your customers are taken care of by integrating a CRM platform like Hubspot with the Devyce Team’s Management Portal. This allows you to stay on top of individual customer queries and makes sure you never miss business calls. It also allows your team to have access to customer query logs so that any member of your team can quickly provide help. Streamlining your customer support flow is crucial to any growing business and Devyce helps you take that extra step for your customers. 

  • Flexible scalability

Whether you are growing or taking a step back before the next stage in your business, you can easily activate/deactivate numbers on your network to grow (or downsize) your Teams Plan. Our affordable price point also makes it easy for you to scale the usage to your businesses’ needs whether you are just starting out or already a medium sized enterprise, Devyce is flexible. 

To quote The Sound of Music: 🎵These are a few of (ours & our customers’) favourite things about Devyce. Our customers have thrived from using Devyce and we’re pretty sure your business will benefit too 😉 

If these 10 reasons aren’t quite enough to convince you yet and would prefer to see Devyce in action before you commit, that’s no problem! It’s super easy to book a demo with us here https://devyce.com/demo/ 



[1] https://www2.deloitte.com/uk/en/insights/industry/technology/technology-media-and-telecom-predictions/2022/environmental-impact-smartphones.html

[2] https://observablehq.com/@mrchrisadams/how-do-i-work-out-the-carbon-footprint-of-providing-space-to-w

5 ways Devyce will improve your Real Estate Business

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  1. Improve your mobility
    Tell us we’re wrong but, estate agents are always on the go. Devyce allows you to call from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Additionally, realtors are finding SMS useful when on the go to communicate with clients, with nearly 93% communicating through text [1]. By using our app, you can message your clients, as well as phone them! 

    We can also improve your geographical presence, as you can select a phone number from a specific area, meaning you can create a local presence!

  2.  Secure and protect your personal and client data
    Devyce will protect your personal number, by providing you with a business number, meaning your personal details aren’t exposed. Whilst also protecting your client data, as data is handled in line with GDPR and messages are encrypted between the app and the carrier.

  3. Improve your Customer Experience
    Building good relationships with buyers, sellers, tenants and landlords is a critical component of being an Estate Agent. Devyce can enhance your customer experience, by allowing you to hear other team members voicemails and forward any calls, meaning no calls are missed whilst making it easy for others to pick up where someone else left off. The auto attendant feature filters calls and delivers them to the correct destination in the business. Creating a seamless and consistent customer experience. 

    Easily integrate with Hubspot, and import your CRM’s contacts, so you can pull up your client information easily. See who’s calling and prevent prospects slipping through the cracks!

  4. Reduce your costs.
    Devyce can help you reduce your calling costs! No set up fees, no hidden fees and no contracts!

  5. Track sales and monitor performance
    We track calling analytics, including the proportion of unanswered calls, call duration, and call recording. This way agents are able to find the optimum time to reach clients. Whilst also providing valuable insights into how you can improve your calling techniques, for the future. Better calls, more leads! 

    [1] https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2021/12/17/implement-business-text-messaging-to-draw-more-local-customers/?sh=2b69c5be731a
